Quote Originally Posted by Ste
Just wondering if anyone got a fill of contaminated diesel in the last few weeks or knows of anyone who suspects they may have had a fill of dodgy diesel? Particularly in the south east Dublin area?

I got a fill of diesel from a “reputable” branded fuel retailer 3 weeks ago and the car collapsed 5 days (c. 200km) later, long story but essentially the diesel has tested positive for containing petrol and has destroyed my cars entire fuel system leaving me with an enormous repair bill from BMW (2010 330d). I have to claim from my insurance for the repairs and while I was speaking to the assessor today, he mentioned that they have a second claim for contaminated diesel (he wasn’t able to tell me if it’s the same petrol station or even the same fuel retailer) but it has me thinking that there could be more people affected, which also stands to reason.
Should the retailer not pay for the damage?