Very interesting.

Slightly off topic but I would also disagree with his characterisation of the new 5 Series as a good looking car (although that’s obviously subjective).

I have been a BMW fan for a long time and I’ve always appreciated the directions they have taken their designs, even as they have become increasingly controversial since probably the G80 M3. But the new 5 Series is probably the first new BMW I’ve seen that I genuinely think just looks terrible. I saw one on the road for the first time a while ago and assumed it was some generic Korean or Japanese saloon, I couldn’t believe it when I got closer and saw it had a BMW badge on it.

I know some people will argue BMW have always pushed the boundaries with controversial designs that subsequently become revered, like the Bangle-era cars, but I think this is different. The new 5 Series isn’t controversial or out there, it’s just uninspired and boring. It’s like they’ve just completely run out of ideas and asked a generative AI model to come up with a design for what the car should look like based on the progression of previous generations and current design trends across other manufacturers.