Quote Originally Posted by Big H View Post
Until a time when EV's are at the same price (or less than) the equivielent ICE car, than many will walk on by.

eg. a new 520i M Sport comes in at c.€71k yet an equivielent i5 M Sport comes in at €92k (I know we're not comparing absolute like for like spec/performance wise maybe, but that is how many view it)

The running costs difference will pale into insignificance once EV depreciation hits a few years down the line - a fact lost on the PCP rental fan boys.....
So 2 months later Eddie Cunningham in the Irish Independent has raised my exact point about the €20k difference between the 520i and the i5.

Surprisingly he says that the 520i M Sport is a great car to drive & economical to boot, so it'll certainly be interesting to see how many will pay the €20k premium, especially as previously mentioned that SEAI grants & BIK benefits are being stripped soon.....